Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Latte Art and La Armonia Hermosa

Some people have been asking about latte art. This delicate art is not required on a great latte but it helps to show when a shot is pulled perfectly, and shows when the milk is frothed correctly. Basically it's just the frosting on the cake, but isn't it a beautiful cake? Here is a great example from a superb barista trainer and coffee shop co-owner in Cincinnati, Ohio. Les Stoneham received 9th place in the Great Lakes Regional Barista Competition a couple years ago. He is also helping to start up a direct trade coffee co-operative in Santa Maria de Jesus, Guatemala. Please check out their website for more information... www.laarmoniahermosa.com. We are happy to be joining in this venture. In the near future we will be roasting and selling some of their coffee. So check back to find out when we will have that available!

This is my attempt at latte art. I was trained by Les, but please note I haven't done latte art in almost a year.  What do they say? "Practice makes perfect," and I obviously haven't been practicing.

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