It's coming up on the Holiday season, and we would like your advice. Here are a few travel mug ideas we have come up with. We would love to have your opinion on which of these might become your next favorite travel mug... To respond please just leave a comment!
I would choose any of the mugs w/o the handle and had the least amount of plastic. - Greg
I personally do not like handles on my mugs. So i think the bottom one on the right is my fav. They all look pretty sweet though!
I personally like the brown one.
i like the second from the top, left column
My favorite is the second from the top on the left column.
I choose any on the right hand side (I like the middle one the best). I do not see many people that carry coffee vessels with handles anymore. I like the grip on the vessel, but the downfall is it does look Starbucks.
Since I really don't know if coffee taste different with a handle or not, I like the no handle cups because that seems to fit my lifestyle -don't have a handle on it. Most of these metal cups are silver, so to be different I'll go for the brown just to be different. However, the logo looks a bite small and if the cup gets hot or cold the rubber grip might be a good feature except for those cold days.
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