Tuesday, September 29, 2009


National Coffee Day: Coffee can help you lose weight, but watch the extras

by Gail Gedan Spencer, article is found at: http://image.examiner.com/x-660-Weight-Loss-Examiner~y2009m9d29-National-Coffee-Day-Coffee-can-help-you-lose-weight

Before you head to the gym today, celebrate National Coffee Day. It may help you with weight loss.

Researchers have found that caffeine works as a mild appetite suppressant and can increase your body's ability to burn calories. Many muscleheads drink coffee before and after they work out.

Just lay off the whipped cream and sprinkles. A Frappuccino is not a cup of coffee -- it's a milkshake.

And those flavored creamers? A minefield.

Unflavored soy creamer has around 15 calories per tablespoon -- no biggie. But gooey treats like International Delight have a scary 45 calories. And fat-free is not much better at 30 calories.

So let's do the math: 2 tablespoons is 90 calories; 4 tablespoons (1/4 cup) is 180 calories. A quarter cup of Ben and Jerry's Chubby Hubby is only slightly less at 165 calories.

Yes, Ben and Jerry's ice cream is lower in calories. Would you consider putting a blob of Ben and Jerry's in your coffee every morning? That's what many people do with flavored creamers.

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Monday, September 28, 2009

VCC ties for Best Drink at Taste of Blount

Rain didn't keep the crowd away as this year's Taste of Blount was a continued success, and a success for VCC! Out of 23 local vendors Vienna Coffee Company tied for Best Drink of Taste of Blount. We'd love for you to try for yourself the drink that was voted best of Blount County. Go to our website for the speciality drink recipe (Blended Tiramisu), or check out our single origin, La Armonia Hermosa coffee that was also served that night.
John Clark stated, "Great times were had by all."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dancing Bear Bicycle Bash

The Dancing Bear Bicycle Bash put on by Cycology Bicycle and Dancing Bear Lodge was a huge success! A little fog never hurt anyone. Just look at the turn out, also note the right back pocket of the blue jerseys!!!

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Autumnal Equinox

Today was the Autumnal Equinox. Here is a very interesting article I found about the traditions and myths associated with the Equinox. So grab yourself a mug of hot Vienna Coffee (I recommend our new stock, La Armonia Hermosa coffee), and get a little cultured...

September Equinox Customs and Holidays

taken from http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/september-equinox-customs.html

The September equinox, also known as the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere, has been linked to many myths and superstitions in history. It is a time of the year when festivals and celebrations of different faiths occur around the world.

September Equinox Customs
Mooncakes are eaten during the Chinese Moon Festival. ©iStockphoto.com/Kit Sen Chin

Myths and superstitions

According to myth, it is believed that the September equinox is a time of balance when “day and night are equal” and that that by some mystical force one can balance eggs on their end on these days. Some believe that one can only balance an egg within a few hours before or after the exact time of the equinox.

According to Jewish superstition, when Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac at the autumnal equinox, and blood appeared on his knife. Another superstition relating to the four Tekufot, which refers to the equinoxes and solstices, is that during the September equinox a mysterious precipitation poisoned all water, which was not be drawn or drunk.

In many cultures, the September equinox is a sign of autumn in the northern hemisphere. In Greek mythology autumn begins as the goddess Persephone returns to the underworld to live with her husband Hades. It has also been believed that magically it was a good time to enact rituals for protection and security as well as reflect on successes or failures from the previous months. Animals associated with the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere are dogs, wolves and birds of prey. Mythical creatures associated with this time of the year include gnomes, minotaurs and the sphinx.

Celebrations and festivities

Higan, or Higan-e, is a week of Buddhist services observed in Japan during both the September and March equinoxes when day and night are equal at length. Both equinoxes have been national holidays since the Meiji period (1868-1912). Before World War II, they were known as koreisai, or festivals of the Imperial ancestors. After the war, when the national holidays were renamed, they became simply spring and autumn equinoxes. Higan means the “other shore” and refers to the spirits of the dead reaching Nirvana after crossing the river of existence. It celebrates the spiritual move from the world of suffering to the world of enlightenment and is a time to remember the dead by visiting, cleaning and decorating their graves and reciting sutras. Buddhist prayers, rice balls and sushi are offered. It is a time for the Japanese to worship their imperial ancestors.

The Christian church replaced many early pagan equinox celebrations with Christianized observances over the years. For example, Michaelmas (also known as the Feast of Michael and All Angels), on September 29, fell near the September equinox because it was associated with the beginning of autumn. During the middle ages it was celebrated as a holy day of obligation but the tradition waned in the 18th century. It is still celebrated in some places as the “festival of strong will” during the autumnal equinox.

On the autumnal equinox, many pagans celebrate Mabon as one of the eight Sabbats (a celebration based on the cycles of the sun). Mabon celebrates the second harvest and the beginning of winter preparations. It is the time to respect the impending dark while giving thanks to the sunlight.

In China the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is celebrated around (but not precisely) the time of the September equinox. This occasion dates back more than 3000 years and occurs around the time of the full moon. It celebrates the abundance of the summer's harvest and one of the main foods is the mooncake filled with lotus, sesame seeds, a duck egg or dried fruit. This tradition originated from the ancient tradition of making offerings to the sun in the spring and to the moon in the autumn. It is also a time for families to get together and people often travel long distances to be with their loved ones. The streets are decorated with lanterns, incenses are burned and fire dragon dances take place.

Please note that while the effort has been taken to ensure that various holidays, observances and traditions are mentioned, not all of observations across the world and throughout time have been covered in this article.

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Taste of Blount: Blended Tiramisu

Vienna Coffee Company will be at Taste of Blount tonight serving their delicious newest coffee La Armonia Hermosa, and their sweet specialty drink, Blended Tiramisu.

Stop by Taste of Blount tonight and vote Vienna Coffee as your favorite coffee drink.

Want to know how to make Blended Tiramisu? Check out our website for the recipe and other specialty drink recipes.

Don't forget about our Seasonal Drink Competition also. We'd love to hear what kind of drinks tickle your fancy.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

La Armonia Hermosa coffee has arrived!!!!

We are happy to announce that our La Armonia Hermosa coffee has arrived! We are currently testing the coffee to get the best roast for this year's crop, but we are very excited with what we have come up with so far. This year's crop is spectacular. We can't wait to get it roasted for you to try it for yourself. Check back to see when it's available to buy.

Not heard about the La Armonia Hermosa coffee? It's one of our relationship/direct trade coffees. Please check out their website to find out more information.

*Thanks Les for making this coffee an option for us.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Website Down

Valued customers, we are very sorry for the inconvenience but we are doing maintenance on our website. If you would like to place orders please call us at 865.681.0517 or email us at info@viennacoffeecompany.com. We are working as fast as we can to get the site up and running. Thank you for your patience!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Interesting Coffee Fact

Interesting coffee fact for the week...
Did you know that cappuccino is named after the brown robes of the hooded Capuchin friars in the 16th century? The word means "little hood" in Italian. Legend has it that the whipped cream rising to a point reminded some Italian wag of a Capuchin friar with his long, pointed hood, or capuche, up and he dubbed the coffee beverage "cappuccino".

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Thursday, September 3, 2009


I don't know about you, but I'm definitely ready for the long weekend! What better way to celebrate how hard you have been working, then by grabbing a big cup of our Monthly Flavored Coffee, Tennessee Big Orange while you watch the UT season opener this Saturday versus Western Kentucky.

We've chosen some of the best specialty-grade Brazilian coffee beans and infused them orange flavoring that will have you yelling "GO BIG ORANGE!"

Would you like to try it for FREE? Click here for more info.

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"First of Ramadan" headache

Interesting fact of the day...We are in the midst of the Islamic holiday Ramadan. According to Ricardo Levins Morales, a study published in Heachache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain in 1999, recommends cutting back on caffeine and then having a strong cup just before starting the fast in order to prevent a "first-of-Ramadan" headache. So don't forget to wish your Muslim friends a happy Ramadan this month! Here is an interesting article from http://specialty-hospital.com/jordan/ramadan-coffee/

Enjoying your coffee During Ramadan

August 26, 2009 at 10:02 am , by tamara


Drinking coffee in the morning for that “pick me up feeling” is an all too familiar and enjoyable habit for many of us. But come Ramadan and the thought of stopping this stimulating ritual will definitely seem difficult.

We’ll tell you how you can still enjoy drinking your coffee during the month of Ramadan!

At Iftar:

  • Avoid breaking your fast on a cup of coffee, since caffeine would lead to the release of gastric juices on an empty stomach and in turn hurt your gastric mucosa. The ideal food to break your fast with is 2-3 dates, because they will provide you with the sugar your body requires, especially your brain.
  • You can have your cup of coffee two hours after you complete your Iftar meal. This way you would have allowed plenty of time for your body to adjust its blood glucose level with a balanced Iftar. A cup of coffee would come in handy also because it might also keep you alert in case you feel sleepy after your Iftar meal.

Late night:

  • If you enjoy the taste of coffee late at night, try a decaffeinated cup before you sleep (which would still have the beneficial antioxidants). You can also opt for herbal teas such as thyme or chamomile which are healthy and soothing.


  • If you wakeup for Suhour just before the Athan, you can enjoy a cup of coffee along with your balanced meal. This will help you stay alert throughout your long day of fasting.

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