Monday, March 29, 2010

A study shows that darker roasted coffee is easier on the stomach

Scientific American released an article on March 23, 2010 with the title, "Stomach Cells Happier with Dark Roast Coffee." This interesting article explains, "

In a study presented at the meeting of the American Chemical Society, food chemists found that dark roasting coffee produces a chemical compound that keeps stomach cells from producing the excess acid often caused by coffee drinking."

To read the whole article go to:

If you are interested in trying one of our darker roasted coffee check out our french roast or our Organic French Roast.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Great Lakes Barista Competition

Our friends Logan Demmy and Courtney Robinson put on a good show at this year's Great Lakes Barista Competition. In fact, their scores were best in their state, Ohio. Unfortunately this wasn't good enough to get them into the final round of the Great Lakes region, but we are still proud of them nonetheless.

Both participants had specialty drinks sure to make you wonder. Logan's specialty drink was a concoction of a fig and balsalmic reduction with a touch of creme anglais. Courtney's was created with roasted beets, celery seed, and pine nuts. Both intriguing in their own way. Who would have thought to put espresso with these combinations? Very interesting!

Good Job Logan and Courtney!

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Great Lakes Barista Competition

Our friends Courtney Robinson and Logan Demmy are competing again at this year's Great Lakes Barista Competition in Milwaukee this weekend! They both had stellar performances last year in Chicago, and we are looking forward to hearing about their performance this year. Our coffee sourcer and barista trainer, Les Stoneham has been helping prep Courtney and Logan while giving them suggestions on how to better their signature drink. The signature drink is one of the most exciting aspects of competition. I can't give away what Courtney and Logan's drinks are this year until after they compete, but they are sure to get high marks in creativity!

The Great Lakes Region always has a strong turnout. In fact the national barista champion was from this region last year.

You might be asking what is a Barista Competition. Let me tell you...
It's a competition where baristas from all over the region come and compete for the most creative signature drink, best espresso, and best barista skills. Each competitor has 15 minutes to make 12 drinks: 4 cappucinos, 4 espressos, and 4 signature drinks. That's not all though. In that really short time, they are also expected to tell the story of the coffee they are using and why they are making the drinks the way they are. They customize everything about their routine from the kind of milk, espresso, and grinder, to the music, table cloth, and cups. There are technical judges and sensory judges that judge their every move. If any competitor goes over the alloted time then they are deducted point for each minute they are over. This is one intense competition with big names representing all different kinds of roasters and coffee shops.

Here's to wishing them good luck in this year's competition!!!

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Now Hiring!

Join VCC's team. We are now hiring an operations Manager. We're looking for the right candidate to help us get to the next level. Successful candidate will have at least 10 years commercial or industrial experience. Must be a coffee lover. Responsible for creating & executing operating procedures for packaging, wholesale and retail fulfillment, equipment maintenance and asset management.

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